Review: Splintered by A.G. Howard

What: Splintered (Splintered #1) by A.G. Howard
Who: Amulet Books
When: January 1st 2013
How: Borrowed from library.
This stunning debut captures the grotesque madness of a mystical under-land, as well as a girl’s pangs of first love and independence. Alyssa Gardner hears the whispers of bugs and flowers—precisely the affliction that landed her mother in a mental hospital years before. This family curse stretches back to her ancestor Alice Liddell, the real-life inspiration for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alyssa might be crazy, but she manages to keep it together. For now.
When her mother’s mental health takes a turn for the worse, Alyssa learns that what she thought was fiction is based in terrifying reality. The real Wonderland is a place far darker and more twisted than Lewis Carroll ever let on. There, Alyssa must pass a series of tests, including draining an ocean of Alice’s tears, waking the slumbering tea party, and subduing a vicious bandersnatch, to fix Alice’s mistakes and save her family. She must also decide whom to trust: Jeb, her gorgeous best friend and secret crush, or the sexy but suspicious Morpheus, her guide through Wonderland, who may have dark motives of his own.
My imagination has not been taken on such a wild ride as it was whilst reading Splintered in a really long time. Not since I read Alice’s Adventured in Wonderland at the beginning of this year, actually.
Howard has created a most fantastical and wondrous world inside the pages of Splintered. Besides the fact that the font was purple, and there were pretty decals everywhere, the words inside the covers were just as crazy and imaginative as Carroll’s own Wonderland. At times, my mind was struggling to wrap itself around the weird and wacky conversations and creatures that Howard has created, but in a most delightful way. I felt as if I had been thrown down the rabbit hole right along with Alyssa and Jeb. It was pretty amazing.
I’d been so eager to read Splintered ever since I saw the most astounding cover. It is seriously one of THE most gorgeous that I have ever laid eyes upon. I want it blown up to poster size, and hung in my room, so that I can stare at it all day. I am sure Howard must be so delighted to have that as the cover of her book!
But onwards.
Splintered is one stupendous ride of a novel (do you like all my adjectives in this review? I know you do). It has many twists and turns, family drama, epic romance, WONDERLAND, crazy creatures, wishes, sexy and mysterious moth men … pretty much anything you could ever want in a novel is within the pages of Splintered. That’s how good this book really is.
The plot is extremely dark and twisty, and one that you really have to keep your eye on; otherwise it will run off with you and your good sense, to boot. It’s not difficult to keep up with, by any means, but I wouldn’t read Splintered if you’re expecting a sweet and simple tale. You would be sorely disappointed, for Splintered is wrought with magic and confusion, and all things Wonderland.
Alyssa was such a likeable main character. Her love for her mother, and her willingness to do anything and everything to protect the ones she loves is so courageous, and yet breaks your heart at the same time. I think she would be an amazing person to have in one’s life; with her creativity, and stubborn loyalty, I think she would be one of the best friends any person could ever hope for. I loved reading about her. Very much.
As for the two love interests … this is a first for me. I cannot choose. I really cannot. I am normally immediately drawn to the dark and broody (in Splintered, this is Morpheus), but Jeb is also kind of dark and broody but yet totally knight in shining armour-y as well, aka SWOON WORTHY. I love both these characters, and the diversity between the two as love interests for Alyssa. I may be swayed towards Jeb, but then I remember Morpheus and all of his attitude, and then I am swayed towards him again. You see my dilemma. I just cannot choose between the two amazing characters that Howard has created in Splintered.
The adventure in this novel is intriguing, and draws you in wholeheartedly. I was never bored, never distracted by anything outside of the world of Splintered. While I was reading this book, I was in for the long run. I barely paused to partake in necessary activities such as eating etc. I just wanted to finish the book to see how everything turned out.
So, as you may tell from this review; I think you should read Splintered. It’s an amazing novel (and a debut, at that!), and if you’re a fan of weird and wacky, or of Wonderland, this novel was written for you.
P.s. When Alyssa was describing The Crow poster, I almost had a heart attack. I have that poster. On my wall. The Crow is my favourite movie, and to think that Morpheus looks like Brandon Lee in that film – I am now rethinking my love for Jeb. Suffice to say, Howard has excellent taste in movies.
© 2013, Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity. All rights reserved.

I always love it when real life is twisted a bit to create a part fiction part reality type of book. It kind of reminds me of the plot line of X-Men: First Class, and how they mixed in the mutants with the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I’ve seen this one all over the place, and while I’m actually not a fan of the cover, I do love Alice in Wonderland. And with TWO swoony men? Count me in!
Yeah, I think those are some of the more awesome books out there :D I love that movie! I cannot wait for the second one, haha.
How can you not be in love with this cover, Kayla? D:
You should read it. The men are EXTREMELY swoon worthy :D
This one looks so fantastic. And for some reason, before now, I never placed that this was actually Alice in Wonderland themed. Silly me.
It really is fantastic :D It’s not silly, I didn’t realise for a while ;P
Good god I need to read this. I’ve seen so many people talking about it but I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet. Hm…I think I might do that soon, especially since my local bookstore carries signed copies. And I’m a real sucker for signed copies. :B Great review!
You really do, Sydney! It’s pretty amazing, if I do say so myself :D
Ohmygosh – no! I am so jealous right now. I would love a signed copy of this novel :'(
Thank you!
Can’t pick, huh? lol xD Team Jeb all the way! I do agree that I think Splintered has somewhat enhanced my imagination. And that last part of your review–bwahaha! Loved it. XD
No, I can’t, haha! Ah, a Jeb lover, hey?
It was crazy good with the imagination enhancing!
Glad you liked it, Christie :D
A successful love triangle? Whoop! Love that news. And like you, I am IN LOVE with the covers for this series. Why did you drop a star? (Still deciding whether to read this one, as books with amazing covers usually end badly for me.)
Yes, it was an awesome love triangle! I approve of it.
The covers are supremely pretty, and I must own the someday.
The only reason I dropped a star is because my five star ratings are given out VERY rarely, and only to books that really hook their talons into my heart, and never let go, haha.
I would definitely recommend this book to you if you’re in the mood for a darker version of Alice in Wonderland!
Okay, thanks! :-) Merry Christmas honey. xxx
I’m actually so intrigued by this book! I’ve always loved the subtle darkness about Alice in Wonderland so it’s cool to see an author really exaggerate that and create a whole new world! Both Jeb and Morpheus sound great and the plot sounds fantastic! I don’t know if it’s just me, but this is all ringing Once Upon A Time. If that’s any indication of how much I’ll enjoy this book, I’m sure I’m going to love it! :)
Howard really does exaggerate the darkness that was present in the original Alice, but at the same time, makes it her own story. It was fantastic!
Jeb and Morpheus are amazing characters that I loved reading about, and the plot WAS fantastic :D
Oh, I never thought of that, but kind of, yeah! I can’t wait to watch the OUAT Wonderland show!