delicate eternity logo
A haven for lovers of the written word

helloA drawn image of me, Chiara, holding my small Siamese chocolate point kitty, Figgy in my arms. I am white, with blue eyes, and longe blonde hair. I am wearing a pink singlet, and a high waisted full skirt that is blue with white cats and roses on it.My name is Chiara (chee-ah-rah). I am a lover of books, a watcher of TV shows and movies, a marine and wildlife biologist by education, and I used to be queer youth worker. I live in Australia, where I believe it does not rain enough.

On the lovely day of June 3rd 2013, Books for a Delicate Eternity was born. Book reviews, discussions of all kinds, snap-shots of my life, spotlights on artists, and many more things can be found on this blog of mine.

If you would like to learn more about me, the girl behind the blog, I highly recommend looking up this tag. I talk about my life, and writing, and other such things.

I sincerely hope you will stay a while, bring over a hot drink of your choice, curl up under a blanket and share in my love of books, cats, and everything in between.

Much love and future favourite books,





Guest Posts:

Five YA Series Ending in 2018 @ Ibrary

Five YA Series Starting in 2018 @ Ibrary

Five More Backlist #LoveOzYA on My TBR @ Ibrary

Five Backlist #LoveOzYA on My TBR @ Ibrary

Four Adult Books for YA Readers @ Ibrary

Five #LoveOzYA Thrillers on My TBR @ Ibrary

Six Awesome YA Adaptations @ Ibrary

Four Reasons to Read The Raven Cycle @ Ibrary

The Importance of LGBTQIA+ Retellings @ The Daily Prophecy

Five Fantastic and Finished Aussie YA Series To Read @ Ibrary

Five Great YAs with Male Narrators @ Ibrary

LGBTQIA+ Erasure in the Book Blogging Community @ Chasing Faerytales

Five Hidden Gems of Aussie YA @ Ibrary

In Defence of Fan Fiction @ Chasing Faerytales

Ronan Lynch: Hella Gay & Why It’s a Good Thing @ Word Revel

How Do I Love Teeth @ Gay YA

How David Levithan Stole My Heart @ Gay YA


The Beautiful Bloggers Tag @ 21st Century Once Upon a Time

Book Blogger Spotlight @ Books + Publishing


Diversity in Fiction @ Diva Booknerd

Do You Call Yourself a Feminist @ Word Contessa

You’re Just My Type – Chiara’s Picks @ The Novel Hermit