Here is the list of features/memes that I feature on the blog:
A Letter To is a feature where I write a letter to something (well, DUH).
Artistry: A Spotlight is where I spotlight an artist that I have come across on the internet. be it a writer, photographer, painter, designer. Any kind of art that has taken my fancy!
Books for Life is where I talk about bookish favourites, recommendations, random things, and my life outside of blogging.
Books for Mail is basically me showcasing my addiction to buying books. Every two weeks, I’ll show you guys which books I have bought/received, and hopefully you’ll find some great titles!
Books for Thought is where I post a discussion topic related to books, reading, writing, or something related to one of the three.
Five Reasons To is basically my way of convincing you to love the same things I do. Because I love a lot of things for a lot of reasons. Hopefully my powers of persuasion will work their magic on you, and you can find new things to love!
Simply Sunday is a reading meme run here at Books for a Delicate Eternity. It’s where you can share your favourite quote of the week; be it from a book, a novella, a short story, a poem, a song – whatever you like!