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blue lily, lily blueWhat: Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle #3) by Maggie Stiefvater

Who: Scholastic

When: October 21st 2014

How: A copy of this novel was provided by Scholastic Australia for review.

There is danger in dreaming. But there is even more danger in waking up.

Blue Sargent has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a group to which she can belong. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs.

The trick with found things though, is how easily they can be lost.

Friends can betray.
Mothers can disappear.
Visions can mislead.
Certainties can unravel.


Ah, Blue Lily, Lily Blue.

Ah, The Raven Cycle.

Ah, Gansey.

Ah, Noah.

Ah, Pynch.

If I could leave it at that that would probably be my review right there. Because everything about Blue Lily, Lily Blue just makes me go “ah” in a really content, loving, and adoring kind of way. Because everything about this book made me so freaking happy.

We’re back on to the quest for Glendower in Blue Lily, Lily Blue, which was much to my liking. I missed this plotline in The Dream Thieves, so when it came back to the forefront in Blue Lily, Lily Blue, I was very pleased indeed.

We get a new perspective from Greenmantle, who we got to “meet” second-hand in The Dream Thieves. I actually loved these chapters! Greenmantle was witty, and evil, but totally in an awesome kind of way. Especially since he contrasts quite a lot to what you were led to think his character was like in The Dream Thieves. I also really liked reading about his wife, Piper. She was hilarious, and sassy, and I was always laughing at the things she was saying.

I grew to love my raven boys even more in Blue Lily, Lily Blue, which I probably thought was impossible, but obviously I was wrong. Gansey was just gorgeous in this book – especially when it came to his relationship with Blue. MAN, I WISH THEY COULD KISS DAMMIT. SERIOUSLY. But I guess their relationship is so bittersweet because they can’t. How much Gansey loves the other boys gives me many feels (many feels) because they love him back and just THE PROPHECY, GUYS. I won’t be able to handle Gansey dying because he’s so precious. He’s like the most precious thing, ever. And I won’t be able to handle it at all. I will thus live in denial of his predetermined death. *waves goodbye*

I really loved Blue in this book! I said in my review of The Dream Thieves that she grew a lot, but I think she grew even more in Blue Lily, Lily Blue. She was, for lack of a better word, quirky in the way that we always knew she was but hadn’t really been shown, and this really came to life in her conversations and interactions with JESSE DITTLEY (if you’ve red Blue Lily, Lily Blue, you’ll know why the CAPS FOR JESSE DITTLEY). Blue is adorable, and she’s even more adorable with Gansey but nope. Denial, remember?

Noah is terrifying me because he’s hardly ever around and he’s being affected by all the ley line and Glendower shiz, and I fear for him. I fear for this bb a lot (I actually fear for ALL the bbs a lot, but hey).

Adam and Ronan. Ronan and Adam. Pynch. There was more Pynch in Blue Lily, Lily Blue than any book in The Raven Cycle so far, and it seriously just took my heart and crushed it between its fingers. These two. These two. If they are not canon in The Raven King then I will be forever broken. But even so, separately, Adam and Ronan are amazing characters. Bt together they just fit and they’re so complex, and I have had numerous conversations about this with Sydney because Pynch is life at the moment.

I cannot believe that September 29 is so far away, but I no doubt will re-read these amazing books before then.

© 2015, Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity. All rights reserved.

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Posted on: March 9, 2015 • By: Chiara

8 Responses to Review: Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

  1. I kind of VERY BRIEFLY skimmed your review because I haven’t read any of them yet and I don’t want to be spoiled for anything, but !!!!!! I’m so excited to read this series :D:D Once I finish the March reading challenge I’m totally binging this series.

  2. Beth says:

    September 29th is AGES away… but at least we have a date to look forward to now! My favourite part of Blue Lily, Lily Blue was Blue and Gansey. But WHY CAN’T THEY BE TOGETHER???? Oh, and I’m still not keen on Ronan (yep, only person in the world)… I also liked the element of looking towards the future – Blue knows that she has to go away to college, and she won’t be going with her boys. Which is kind of heartbreaking, really.
    Beth x

    • Chiara says:

      I KNOW! Waiting will be torture – I know it.

      I loved Blue and Gansey in this one, and I want them to be together terribly!

      I also really liked the fact that they are looking to the future. I think a lot of YA conveniently overlooks his aspect. They might be seperated D:

  3. Nara says:

    So freaking sad about what’s going to happen in The Raven King. Especially after this tweet by Maggie:
    And yessss PYNCH IS LIFE.
    I feel like I need to reread the first book in this series, because I actually only gave it 3 stars (the other two I gave 5). Maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for that one at the time or something, because I feel like it definitely deserves more than 3…

    • Chiara says:

      I KNOW. I will be joining you in denial, Nara because GANSEY BB

      Pynch is more than life tbh

      Ah, you should definitely re-read the first one! It still remains my favourite <3

  4. Sydney says:

    me: *thinks about Gansey’s death*
    me: I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

    me: *thinks about non-canon Pynch*
    me: I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

    me: *thinks about Pynch in general*

    That’s it. That’s everything I feel about Blue Lily, Lily Blue. I am a mere shell in comparison to who I was pre-The Raven Cycle. *drifts away*


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