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Books for Thought is where I post a discussion topic related to books, reading, writing, or something related to one of the three. I hope you’ll join in, and discuss today’s topic of

swearing on the blog

I’ve actually been thinking about this topic for a while now. Almost since I started blogging.

I swear like a sailor in real life – I really do. Kayla can attest to that since we Skype and I swear during our sessions :D I have tried many times over the years to curb this swearing of mine, but to no avail. I just swear. I’ve sworn since I was a kid, and I swear now that I am an adult (DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOO).

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t walk around saying f**k every two words, and in front of every which person. I know when to swear, and when not to swear. But once I get comfortable around someone, my filter slowly turns off and I won’t actively stop myself from swearing in front of them.

And then blogging came along. I made the decision not to swear on the blog, at least not with f**k, simply because I didn’t want to. I knew that I wanted my blog to be professional in its language and how I articulated my thoughts and views on books and the such. And I also didn’t know my audience. What if some kid stumbled across my blog somehow? I wouldn’t want to have to rate my blog above G just because I want to swear in my posts, you know?

But then I’ve seen a few other bloggers swear vehemently in their posts, and I don’t mind. I’m not offended because I swear, and I am actually kinda proud of them for being able to use the language they want to use without feeling self doubt and self conscious about it.

hells yeah


However, even though I wave pompoms for these bloggers, I’m not going to change. Sure, I’ll say some of the less cursey swear words, because really how bad are they, but I won’t use f**k, simply because it makes me uncomfortable to put it in here. Even putting the stars in there makes me uncomfortable.

So there you go. I don’t feel like it’s appropriate for me to swear on my blog, simply because I don’t think it fits with my content and with who I have become as a blogger. Even if I do give major kudos to the people who make me laugh with their swears.

Also, I kinda feel like I should add that of course I get that we can all say what we want, and really, I am not placing any restrictions on myself because I fear what the reaction would be if I did start swearing on the blog. Swearing whilst I’m writing just isn’t first nature to me. If I was having a hard time not swearing, I’d change. But I actually don’t, and that feels good for me. :D


What are your thoughts about swearing on blogs? Do you swear on your blog? Do you swear in offline life? Tell me your swearing secrets!


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Posted on: November 17, 2014 • By: Chiara

38 Responses to Should I Say That?

  1. Leigh says:

    Haha I am like this too! I cuss a lot when I’m around with close friends, but I don’t cuss when I write a blog post. I don’t know why…I think it’s because everyone is my audience. What if a 7 year old was reading my blog? I don’t want them to see a ton of cuss words on my post.

  2. I really wish I could be one of those bloggers who swear because they are so cool! No, really, I sort of feel the same way you do. I only swear when I REALLY feel strongly about something and then just one or two words per post. I always feel embarrassed, isn’t that weird?

  3. I feel quite similar to you – while I do swear offline (although I’ve realised I haven’t been swearing as much as I used to), I don’t feel comfortable swearing on my blog. I’m not sure why, but I just don’t. Sure, some of the more “tame” swears are fine, but I’m not going to be dropping the F-bomb on my blog anytime soon. Kudos to those bloggers that do!

    • Chiara says:

      My swearing is getting a little better. A little. XD

      I am so proud of the bloggers that do, which is so weird because I know that I’ll likely never F-bomb on my blog randomly. Unless it was something REALLY important.

  4. Amanda P. says:

    I don’t swear a whole lot on my blog, primarily for the same reasons you don’t. I don’t swear like a sailor, but I am known to let a couple curse words fly from my mouth at times. Generally, the only words I will use are the lesser curses like hell, ass (mostly when I say kick-ass), and damn. But I use them sparingly. If there is any other way to relay the feeling and information I want to convey to the reader without cursing, I will do it, but if not, it’s happening. I do not say sh*t or F* or anything as harsh as those kind of words. They just don’t have a place on my blog, and I guess I have a rule of thumb, if I wouldn’t say those words in front of my parents, even sparingly, I won’t put it on my blog.

    • Chiara says:

      I am pretty much the same as you. If I found myself swearing in a review, I really look at it and think: is this necessary, or could I change that word and still have the same effect? If I can change it, I will. But sometimes, there just needs to be a swear or two for me to make my point.

  5. I definitely do swear in my posts and I don’t really have very many personal rules about it except that I never use the C word (because it’s gross and unnecessary and I hate it) and I don’t swear I’m reviews because I want those posts to be sensible and just a bit professional. For other posts though, I just kind of let myself go without really thinking about it. I never used to swear in my posts though, it’s really a recent thing for me because when I saw other bloggers doing it, I figured it must be okay to do it. But I can totally understand why other people don’t want to swear in their posts, and that’s okay too.

    • Chiara says:

      Ohmygosh NO. The C word is disgusting and I never use it *shudders* I draw the line at the F-bomb.

      I don’t swear in reviews – at least I really try not to – but with other posts, I am not quite AS strict on myself.

  6. This is my life in a post. I swear like a sailor. It’s horrible but I can’t shake it. But weirdly enough, I don’t do it in my post. And I think it comes down to everything that you’ve mentioned. Although, I’m quite happy to swear on goodreads only reviews. I don’t know why that seems to be alright with me though :S

    • Chiara says:

      Goodreads only? I tend to do that. My review for Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe was simply: “well, shit. That was freaking beautiful”. So I totally get what you mean, Jess XD

  7. I have sworn a few times on my blog but it’s usually only when it is suited to the post, or book, or for effect. For example, I said that James Frey likes to f**k with people. Which he does, in a good way. Which is what I was trying to get across.

    But normally I wouldn’t swear for similar reasons to yours. I feel like some people not only wouldn’t appreciate it, but that they wouldn’t take the posts seriously if they’re littered with swearing.

    • Chiara says:

      Ah, sincerity is something I didn’t consider, but I definitely agree with you. I usually only mildly swear in my less serious posts, or when it’s more conversational. I have only sworn a handful of times in reviews.

  8. I don’t really swear…a lot and I avoid to swear in my blog as well. I don’t know, it just doesn’t sit well with me, if I do swear that means I’m really expressing/emphasizing on something (and I apologize beforehand). But I also don’t mind, it’s just it doesn’t work with me. :D

    • Chiara says:

      Most of the time, I only use “shit” on the blog, and it’s only when I really cannot find any other word, or where it just comes naturally and I don’t want to change it. I am more than okay with reading swears on other blogs, but it just doesn’t feel 100% right on mine.

  9. Claire says:

    I… swear on my blog. Not big and heavy hitters but a lot of sh*ts and d*mns. Shoots the title of my blog is Bitches With Books. I understand the whole children or youngsters reading my blog and they shouldn’t be exposed to that but I write for myself and though sad, if my cursing isolates some people than so be it. It’s only been an issue once on the blog and it was with the title. Now that I think of it, I really only say damn a lot (and that aint a curse to me)!

  10. Olgia says:

    I don’t swear too much in real life, just the occasional word and I agree with you. I want to be professional and keep it to a minimum or not at all.
    But yes, reading posts with all of the words out there, makes me a tiny bit jealous. Wishing I could do the same :)

  11. Cackling over here! I love our Skype sessions – cursing and all ;) Half the time you’re saying what’s on my mind anyway lol.

    I don’t curse so much on my blog, but I’ve started to a bit more as I find books that I’m intensely invested in emotionally. But yeah – the F-bomb is one that I don’t use, though I will use derivatives.

  12. I grew up never ever swearing but I have absolutely no problem with it. And heh, you know me, I’m always screaming some sort of derivetive of a word, which I find ironic. Because why is saying “gosh” different to saying “god”?? We put the power behind the words. *shrugs* So I really see no problem with swearing. Although my parents do read my blog, so, yes, I keep mostly calm and stick to goshes and freakings and the occasional heck. Gee, I sound like a backwoowds hillbilly or something and I’m supposed AUSTRALIAN? YA AIN’T AN AUSSIE IF YA HAVEN’T YELLED “BLOODY” SOMETHING AT SOME POINT. *nods*

    • Chiara says:

      We definitely do put power behind words. I mean, they’re just a combination of letters. We decide what they mean. So it really doesn’t bother me when people swear. I do ;D

      HAHA. You should just start saying Alf Stuart-isms. STREUTH.

  13. Valerie says:

    Wow, I actually do the same thing too, when it comes to swearing I tone it down just because I don’t know who’s reading my blog. I don’t like to swear unless it’s oral/speech, so I avoid it in my writing as well.

  14. Lillian says:

    OMG. I thought you were this really neat person who does not swear. At all. Wow. Revelations!
    Anyhow, we are very similar in swearing styles. I can only swear when surprised or in front of people I am comfortable with. And I’m glad you can understand yourself and realize what is good for your blog amd its image.

  15. I don’t really cuss a lot on the blog, but it depends. Sometimes a strong thought I have just HAS to be conveyed in strong language. I did have my Heir of Fire review with a lot of cursing, but I did have a little warning before the review that it would have stronger language than usual. :)

  16. I actually have a similar post I have been working on for a while. Only, not real similar, because mine is just the opposite. The beauty of swearing, and how I won’t apologize for it on my own site. But I always try to ‘feel the room’ if you will, and do my best not to swear in peoples comments.

    • Chiara says:

      I’d never apologise for swearing (if I did swear on the blog), and I think it’s great when people DO swear on their blog.

      I never swear in comments, just as a courtesy, I suppose.

  17. Haha, I’m like this too! I swear in real life. Not all the time but definitely when it feels right and I’m with someone I’m comfortable with. I usually don’t think twice about it. But on the blog, I try not to. I feel like some people would be offended. :P Sometimes, I swear in tweets or comments but shit is probably the strongest word I’ll use!

  18. Grace says:

    I do swear on my blog, because for me, blogging is my hobby and my blog is a place where I can express myself without major restrictions. Of course, I try not to go overboard, but sometimes swearing can be a great way to express how good or bad a book was or how a character’s actions make you feel.

  19. S.J. says:

    I don’t swear, and I would never even think to use it on anything I do online. But, I don’t mind reading swearing on other blogs or in books, go figure :)

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