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Books for Thought is where I post a discussion topic related to books, reading, writing, or something related to one of the three. I hope you’ll join in, and discuss today’s topic of

judging a book by its cover

Okay, as most of you probably all know, I am a book cover coveter. I love them. Every Saturday I make a post about one book cover that I really love. I buy books just because I am in love with their covers (e.g. Wither – I mean have you SEEN that cover? No? Click here). I love pretty pictures (I have a whole blog dedicated to them), so if they’re on books (which are my #1 loves), then I am just one happy camper (oh no,  not camping!).

So I wanted to talk about judging said books by their said covers; whether they be beautiful, or not.

I’ve decided to give some examples of where I have experienced different emotions regarding different covers. I mean, that’s how we judge them, right? By the vibe or atmosphere that they give off? Judging a book by its cover doesn’t always end badly, as some might believe. And I am about to show you that this is so very true. So, without further ado, here are some of my booky covery judgey moments:wildwood dancing

My story of finding my favourite book, Wildwood Dancing has been told in another Books For Thought topic (here), but I have to mention it in this topic, as well. This cover is gorgeous, and what made this book stand out to me to begin with. It’s still the most beautiful cover that I have come across so far, and it’s even more gorgeous in person, so I implore you to find a copy, look at its prettiness, and then read the amazing words within. You won’t regret it!


I thought the cover of Aberrant was beautiful when I first saw it, so I immediately read up on what it was about. It’s a dystopian, and actually amazing (you can read my review here), and I am so glad that its pretty cover stood out to me, because I may never had had the chance to read it!


One of my all time favourite covers. It is simply perfect in my opinion. I bought it without a glance to the back because it was a hard-cover, and pretty, and I just wanted to own it. Turns out it was a pretty good book, too!


Siiigh. If I could somehow transport this dress into my life, I would. Straight away. I actually remember seeing this book for the first time, turning it over, and immediately checking it out of the library. And I really enjoyed the story behind the cover, as well!

the wrong girl

A pretty, pretty cover for an awesome, awesome book. I am so glad that this book has such a pretty cover, because I quickly snapped up the chance to read it on Net Galley (let’s NOT talk about how behind I am now). And it turned out to be amazing! (Review)


I fell in love with this cover the moment I saw it on NG. And it has since become one of my favourite books, ever. I devoured it, and adored every word in this book. (Review)

moutain mare

The Phantom Stallion books are some of my all time favourites from my childhood. I recently re-read the entire series (a hefty 24 books), and I STILL loved it. And every single cover is just as beautiful as the one above it. I remember when I picked up my very first PS book in the book-store when I was about 10. I remember thinking that it was so gorgeous, and about horses, and that I simply had to have it. Now, 10 years later, I own the entire series – hurrah! :D


So, these are some memorable covers, and their back-stories. I own all of these books in print except for one (which I fully intend to buy ASAP), because I like owning books I love, and I like owning books I love that have pretty covers even more :D

While I haven’t ever specifically NOT read a book because it had an unattractive cover, if I’m browsing the book store/the library, a pretty cover will make me pick up a book and see what it’s all about. Same goes for titles. I love pretty titles!

And, because it is tradition for me to gif the heck out of my Books for Thought posts, I thought I would give the low-down on my reaction/s to pretty covers. Enjoy.

shocked 2

spike grabby hands

cat grabby hands

mighty need

i want it now

touch it


So, what I really want to know is: do you judge a book by its cover? Do book covers make you want to read a book, or put you off a book? Have you ever bought a book just because of its cover? What’s your favourite book cover? Let me know in the comment section below!


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Posted on: October 17, 2013 • By: Chiara

38 Responses to Are You a Cover Judger?

  1. Charleen says:

    I don’t pay too much attention to covers. If I’m randomly browsing, I suppose an intriguing cover helps, but I’ve found I’m much more drawn to interesting titles.

  2. I am completely guilty of being a cover judger. I love covers too (as you know) and have picked up many a book because of it. My favorite cover is probably Tiger’s Curse because it has my favorite animal and favorite color, plus it’s shiny! I also love the covers for the Newsoul Trilogy by Jodi Meadows, SO FREAKING GORGEOUS! I also love the blue/red covers of the Lunar Chronicles books. I like titles too. The Through the Ever Night titles are among my favorites, along with A Want so Wicked and a few others. I definitely have the same feelings when it comes to lovely covers!

    • Yay for being cover lovers! :D
      I think I have seen that cover – is it silvery blue? Very pretty.
      I need to check them out, then!
      The Lunar Chronicles covers are definite very eye-catching. It’s why I wanted to read them to begin with (even if I STILL haven’t read them!).
      Those titles are so awesome, and definitely a draw card. I guess titles are kind of a part of the cover, since they’re together. So when its an awesome title + an awesome cover, you cannot go wrong in my books!

  3. Jen Sincula says:

    I discovered a rule and talked about it in a blog post: I called it the “CTS rule” (Cover, Title, Synopsis–because even synopses can be pretty). I totally judge a book by it’s cover, and sometimes I don’t even follow the aforementioned rule when the cover is… not so pretty–yet, there’s always something about it that I like.

    • Do you have the link for it? I’d like to check it out :D
      Synopses are lovely. They shouldn’t be too long, or too short. But just right, haha.
      I do judge books by their coves. But if the cover is not so great, but the title still sounds interesting, then I will read the synopsis, and then make my final decision.
      Sometimes there are just aspects of covers that I like, like the font for the title, the colours etc. I just like pretty things ^.^

      • Jen Sincula says:

        Here we are!

        I think that the shorter the synopsis is, the more curious you’ll be. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer has a six sentence synopsis and it barely gives anything away.

        Hooray for prettiness! :3

        • Thank you! I really enjoyed reading that :D

          I think short is good in general, but not TOO short. I haven’t read that book yet, but I desperately want to. I am hearing so many amazing things about it, and it looks awesome, as well!

          Prettiness is always always a plus when it comes to books :D

          • Jen Sincula says:

            Sometimes it might be necessary to be that short, though…

            It’s of genre I never ventured into before (psychological thriller, I’d say, with a mix of horror). I’m quite pleased to have found it and am looking forward to reading more in the genre. The third book has yet to come out, though I’m unsure of when (this month or June? I don’t know.).

          • True. It does keep an element of surprise and mystery!

            Hmm. I haven’t ventured into that genre very much, either. I am pretty sure it comes out next year, as I remember having a conversation about me waiting to read them so I don’t have to wait for the third book (if that makes sense, haha).

          • Jen Sincula says:

            It totally makes sense!

            Ever since putting up the reviews for Unbecoming and Evolution on Goodreads, I’ve gotten suggestions for other ones similar to it, and it’s really opened up the intrigue for me. I love horror, gory stuff, and thrillers!

          • If I read it, and end up liking it – I will definitely be coming to you for suggestions, then :D
            I’ve never really read very many thriller/horror books, but the ones I have read, I’ve enjoyed. I guess I shall just have to see if these books are for me!

  4. Nara says:

    OF COURSE I judge books by their covers! A book with a pretty cover pretty much immediately goes on the TBR list- sometimes I don’t even read the blurb to be honest :P And the reverse happens as well. If I see an overly sexual cover or something, then yeah…clearly I’m not going to read it…
    The Shatter Me series covers are absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Ah I think everyone judges a book by its cover. Whether they admit it or not. We’re all humans, it’s alright :p And I have to say that I really dislike covers such as the ones for Wildwood Dancing and Aberrant. There’s just something that majorly puts me off. I agree on the cover of Fallen though. It is stunning. I heard a lot of opinions such as that the covers doesn’t reflect what’s inside it. Oh well, will have to check for myself since I already bought a copy :p

    • I think covers are definitely important when it comes to deciding to read a book. Really, it shouldn’t, since some books that are awesome have not so great covers, haha.
      Aw, no! Wildwood is my favourite cover of all time. I must say that the picture does not really do it any justice. I liked the simplicity of Aberrant, and I thought the photography was gorgeous :)
      The Fallen series isn’t my favourite but they’re a fun read, and the covers are too pretty to ignore,
      I hope you like it! :)

  6. Oh, I am totally a book cover judger! I will certainly pick up a book due to it’s cover – sometimes I will put it back as it doesn’t sound like it will interest me, but I am very drawn to pretty books!

    I have never not read a book because I didn’t like the cover – but I have only ever picked those up because I heard about it, or it was recommended. I don’t think I have ever picked up an “ugly” cover and read the blurb on the back. So while an unappealing cover won’t stop me from reading it, it certainly will stop me from picking it up (if I haven’t heard about it beforehand).

    • Woohoo for cover judginess :D Pretty books are just the best. I have found some of my favourite books because I was intrigued by/attracted tot heir covers!

      Oh, me neither. I’ll usually pick up a cover that doesn’t immediately scream ‘pretty’ if it has an epic title. And then I’ll read the synopsis. But I have a wide range of covers that I think are pretty/awesome. But I have read some awesome books that had really average covers, though!

  7. I definitely judge a book by it’s cover! I am so much more inclined to pick up the pretty ones and read what it’s about. Sometimes it’s worked out in my favor, sometimes not. Although they can be interesting, yet not necessarily pretty, to intrigue me as well.
    Recently, a new Australian hardback of The Fault in Our Stars, and it’s so pretty. I want it so bad, but it would be insane to ship it all the way so I’ve restrained myself :P

    • Join the club! :D
      If a cover is pretty/to my liking in any way (like even just one aspect), I will generally pick it up. So I definitely get what you mean! Generally SOMETHING about the cover has to pull me in for me to pick it up.
      Ah, I’ve seen that floating around! It is very pretty. Is it not available on Book Depository? I live in Australia, and I haven’t seen any copies yet!

  8. That was my favorite cover from the PS books!!! I had forgotten which one it was, I just knew it was a dark horse with light hair. Now my search is complete ;)

    And I still kick myself every day for letting my NetGalley arc for Ignite expire. I was one day too late. ONE. DAY. I cry a little bit every time I see it mentioned on someone’s blog…

    • YAYAY! I love the fact that I have someone to fangirl over PS with :D This one is definitely one of my all time favourite PS books, as well as the one for book #12 – with the little baby horsey with the rainbow *squeals*

      NOOOOOOO, Kayla! Well, if you still have money left over from your Amazon binge the other day, you get a free ecopy of Ignite when you purchase the paperback on Amazon :D
      It’s wonderful, and I really hope you get a chance to read it! Angel boys, Kayla. YOU LOVE THEM.

  9. macjam47 says:

    A book cover will make me take a closer look at the book. Is the book something I think I would enjoy. I never buy a book because of the cover; I do, however, check out reviews, blurbs, and recommendations of friends and other bloggers.

  10. flipthatpage says:

    Oh I am definitely a cover judge! I mean, I never buy a book without looking at the synopsis, or the numbering (in case of a series), but the first books to catch my eye are always the ones with the prettiest exterior. I think it’s somehow inherent in a lot of us you know? I really do think covers are marketing strategies now, considering how much they are taken into account! As for my favorite cover… It has got to be the newly revealed cover for Kiera Cass’s The One. IT IS AMAZING CHIARA. It explained to me why the first two books were dominantly red and blue– because this one is dominantly white, and the protagonist’s name is America. CLEVER! Haha! So yeah,great post Chiara <3

    • OF COURSE YOU ARE <3 True, true. Although I think I have bought a non number one book because of its cover :D
      Covers are definitely part of selling books, and an important part, at that!
      I'VE SEEN IT. The pretty white one?! Ahhhh, I get it! That really is very clever. I haven't even read those books yet, though D: SHAME ON ME.
      Thank you, lovely Jasmine! ^.^ <3

  11. I LOVE Wildwood dancing and that is a stunning cover. I still haven’t found a Dutch edition (I have all her other books in Dutch, so I don’t like to buy an English version :p) but those are so different from this one. It’s so detailed <3


  12. I definitely judge a book by its cover. It doesn’t always work out so well, but at least I could stare at the pretty cover. Haha! There are some really good ones though, and I think it’s important too. You wouldn’t go to a job interview wearing bad clothes, so a cover should be able to attract the attention of the buyers. But really, I just want beautiful covers. XD

    • Welcome to the club :D It seems like most people judge books by their covers, haha. Exactly! Even if the story is a bust, the covers makes up for it!
      I love that way of explaining it – it’s perfect. Covers have to sell the books, so they should be pretty darn good!
      Yeah, me too. I’m a bit obsessed, haha :D

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