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A haven for lovers of the written word

Books for Thought is where I post a discussion topic related to books, reading, writing, or something pertaining to one of the three. I hope you’ll join in, and discuss today’s topic of book adaptations (that i never want) A lot of books have been adapted into TV shows and movies, and a large portion […]

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2018/02/06 • Chiara • Discussions (11)

What: Second Helpings (Jessica Darling #2) by Megan McCafferty Who: Three Rivers Press When: 2003 How: Purchased. Knowing that I’ve just done something that will take decades off my parents’ lives with worry, you’ll excuse me for not getting into the fa-la-la-la-la Yuletide spirit this year. . . . The only difference between Christmas 2001 and […]

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2013/06/09 • Chiara • Reviews (2)

What: Sloppy Firsts (Jessica Darling #1) by Megan McCafferty Who : Three Rivers Press When: 2001 How: Purchased. “My parents suck ass. Banning me from the phone and restricting my computer privileges are the most tyrannical parental gestures I can think of. Don’t they realize that Hope’s the only one who keeps me sane? … I […]

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2013/06/07 • Chiara • Reviews (12)