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incite by erica crouchWhat: Incite (Ignite #2) by Erica Crouch

Who: Patchwork Press

When: February 17th 2015

How: A copy of this novel was provided for review via Net Galley on behalf of the publisher.

Earth is in ruins, and the war of Heaven and Hell has spilled over into the mortal world. In the frozen wasteland of the apocalypse, Azael and his band of cohorts search for Pen and Michael with orders to kill. Little does he know that his sister has incited a rebel army of her own.

Angels and demons alike stand side by side, ready and willing to fight for a future they didn’t realize they could have. Change doesn’t come easy, though. Pen is wary of joining New Genesis’s revolution, but when Azael shows his hand and Pen learns all that he holds over them, she chooses to fight back, no matter the risk. She only has to survive, one hour at a time.


Alright, I’m just gonna come out and say that I am listening to Miley Cyrus’s Adore You on repeat whilst I am writing this review. Because you guess it … I adored Azael. HA! I bet you thought I was going to say I adored Incite, which I did. But holy cow, Azael completely and totally stole the show.

I mentioned in my review of Ignite and Entice that I liked Azael. A lot. Well. This is a ‘like’ no longer. This is an all consuming love. For a fictional character. I haven’t actually had the pleasure of loving a fictional character as much as I love Azael in a pretty long time. And I’m almost certain he is now my number one. I am seriously in love with everything about him. I loved reading his chapters the most (sorry, Pen), and I love how utterly complex he is. I wanted to run to him, and stroke his hair and cuddle the shit outta him and make him realise that life isn’t all that bad. That it can be good, and that’s all that Pen realised. She still loves you, I promise. I don’t know if he’d even give me the time of day, but still. That’s exactly what I wanted to do.

(Second Adore You starting now)

I loved that we got to see so much more of him in Incite. Reading from his perspective gave his character so much more depth than we had been given from Pen’s second-hand perspective of him. He’s so completely broken, and my heart just freaking aches for him in such a real way. And it’s moments like these that I realise how much of a book fangirl/nerd I really am. Because my love for Azael is pretty real. I mean, there are humans I love less than Azael. Probably because they don’t even come close to the effect he has on me. He craves acceptance, but wants nothing more than to be independent. He loves Pen with the force of a million suns, but won’t accept the fact that it is love he feels. He thinks he is evil incarnate, but I can see his goodness. I can see that he isn’t all blood and gore. I can see it. And I wish he could, as well. I wish he could realise that it isn’t just black and white, and that there are shades of grey. But it’s like he’s gotten it into his head that he is evil, and bad, and there’s nothing he wants to do about it. AZAEL, MY BABY, THAT’S NOT THE CASE.

(Third Adore You starting now. I was legit when I said repeat)

Okay, I realise I’m nearly at five hundred words and I have spoken of nothing but Azael, but Erica has created one of the most beautifully complex characters that I have ever had the extreme pleasure of reading. I will never not love Az, which is why I cannot stop writing about him. Because I want you to fall in love with him, too. But also realise at the same time that HE IS MINE FOREVER. AND EVER. MIIIIIINE.

As for the non-Az aspects of Incite, they were fabulous, as always. Erica is my favourite author, which I have said a few times. She’s my favourite because she can make me care so much (see all my Az-centric paragraphs above), weave an incredible storyline, and the way she writes. Deary me. It’s perfect. The distinctions between Pen and Az were clear as day, and the evolutions of both their storylines in this book were fabulous. We got to see Az for who he really is, and we got to know Pen even more. How much she cares for Michael; how scared she is of losing him; and how she can be a leader when she needs to be. She’s just an all ‘round badass, and I totally love Pen.

(Fourth Adore You. I’m so hardcore)

I loved the new characters we were introduced to – both from Pen and Az’s perspective, because they weren’t just two dimensional characters, but they also didn’t detract from the characters we care about the most (Az, Pen, and Michael). I’m really looking forward to reading Engage, which is a novella about two of these new characters. I cannot wait to read it because it is sexually diverse, too. Yay for Erica being diverse!

Okay. I loved Incite. I loved Azael most of all, but I loved everything else about it, as well. This will no doubt be as firm a favourite as Ignite has been these past (nearly) two years of my reading life.

© 2015, Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity. All rights reserved.

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About Erica


Erica Crouch is a young adult and new adult author from Baltimore, Maryland. She has a strange blended aesthetic of cute and spooky, and her books reflect her ever changing mood. (You may find romance, you may find gore—sometimes both in the same book, but probably not at the same time. Probably.)

Erica is the cofounder of Patchwork Press, an author-powered publisher of middle grade, young adult, and new adult titles. She is the head of editorial services and design, with nearly fifty projects to her name. Find a complete list of Erica’s books at


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Posted on: February 21, 2015 • By: Chiara

8 Responses to Review: Incite by Erica Crouch + Giveaway

  1. Missie says:

    Complex main character – you have me really excited now! I need to add this one to my TBR!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  2. THIS SOUNDS INCREDIBLE. I had not even heard of this series (or author) before now, but you’re enthusiasm is catchy. ;-) I need to read these.

  3. Really need to get my butt in gear and read this series!!! Great review! :)

  4. OH MY GOODNESS, how have I not heard of this series before? I MUST READ IT AND SPREAD THE LOVE!!! This is my kind of series. <333 thank you for the giveaway!

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