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Simply Sunday is a reading meme run here at Books for a Delicate Eternity. It’s where you can share your favourite quote of the week; be it from a book, a novella, a short story, a poem – whatever you like!

My Simple Thing:

“First, though, she had to go back out there and smile at everyone. Fake her way through the rest of the night and another three days. Pretend to still be normal.

When she was pretty sure she never had been.”

A quote from Robin Talley (As I Descended).

Why I Chose It:

Oh, there is just a lot in general that I like about this quote. The fact that it touches on how everyone expects you to act a certain way, the fact that people expect everyone to be happy all the time. And if you’re not happy, you have to hide it because, in general, no one wants to know what lies beneath. Which is why we all say “good” when people ask us how we are. The question a mere formality with no real desire to know how another person is doing (unless, of course, they are a loved one).

And also: normal. There is no normal. And thus no one has ever been normal. So I liked the last sentence of this quote, as well, because no one has ever truly been normal. There is simply no such thing.

divWhat do you think of my Simply Sunday? Have you read any quotes you’ve loved recently?


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Posted on: September 11, 2016 • By: Chiara

6 Responses to Simply Sunday (#42)

  1. Great quote. I really do like how you explained the things that you enjoyed about this one. It’s true that there is no such thing as “normal” but so many people strive for it. I also like how people are expected to be happy all the time. It’s a burden on a lot of people, because you can’t be happy and a lot of people don’t want to know otherwise.

    • Chiara says:

      I’m glad you like it, Lauren! And that you enjoy my explanations <3 Both the things in this quote are ones that I often ponder and do not necessarily appreciate, because it puts such unreal expectations upon people who wish to fulfill them.

  2. The quote you chose for this week rings so true to me, Chiara. It is something I have been discussing quite a bit with my therapist lately – we’ve identified one value that matters more than perhaps anything to me, which is authenticity, and how this world does so much to dampen authenticity and reduce everything to this nonexistent illusion of “normalcy”. We’ve been trying to identify pockets of the day where I might let that authenticity shine through, and shatter the false glass ceiling that normalcy brings. It is a process, I think, but such an important one for all of us to embark upon. Thank you so much for sharing with us, Chiara – this is something I needed to read today. xo

    • Chiara says:

      Authenticity is so much more beautiful and real that the farce of normalcy, and I am so very glad that you are making spaces in your day to bring our your gorgeous authenticity <3 I am so very glad that this quote came to you at the right time *hug*

  3. Wow. I always seem to get some feels after your Simply Sundays, but this quote pretty much defines me. It defines everything I’ve been through, no matter hardships I’ve faced, I still need to face the world with a smile on my face, when no one knows what’s happening inside. Which makes me think, thank you so much for offering to listen during those times *Hugs* ILY.

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